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IntelliJ will now download the commons-lang3.jar into a specified folder. And of course, if no repository is configured, it will search the Maven Central. Normally, the common source for any external library is the Maven Repository. Hence, IntelliJ allows us to download it directly from any pre-configured Maven repository. In order to add the library, we must download it first. Both global and project specific libraries can be added by accessing the Project Structure dialog ( File->Project Structure). Like the JDK settings, we can also configure libraries at global and project level. Global libraries are shared by all projects.

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Let's say we want to use the StringUtils API from the commons-lang3 library.

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And while Maven and Gradle are the typical go-tos for managing this, let's take a look at how to do this natively in IntelliJ. A Java project usually depends on a lot of external or third-party libraries.

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